Monday, July 28, 2008

2 months

Here's a couple pics at a higher resolution, I think the other pics made the area look more red than it really is. But that's not to say it isn't red because it certainly is. A bunch of the transplanted hairs are still there... not growing but not falling out either. I don't know if that's normal, and maybe that's what's causing the redness. I sent some pics to Miguel at the Armani Clinic to get his opinion.
*Update July 29- Noticed today that when I look very close, there are clearly at least 9 or 10 hairs about 1 inch long or longer that have definitely grown where no hair was before. Also there are a bunch of other hairs I suspect are currently growing. This means I'm actually getting new growth which I didn't expect this early. I hope this bodes well for the near future.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

2 months

Well it's been 2 months, not much to say except no apparent growth yet, the recipient area is still as red as ever as far as I can tell and I look like garbage, just as everyone basically said I would through this period. It's lucky I have thick skin and, very ironically, don't care what people think in general so I just go out without a cap most of the time, saving that for when it's sunny to protect the sensitive skin from sun damage.

I'm taking all the supplements still: Vitamin B-complex once a day, ginkgo biloba twice a day, vitamin E twice a day and plenty of vitamin C as well. I'm applying the rogaine twice a day as well. There have been plenty of pimples in the recipient area, and it also gets itchy fairly regularly. The area is just so sensitive that if you touch it with hands that aren't 100% clean you're liable to get a zit right away.

You know it will be a tough stretch for the first 5-6 months going in, but it doesn't make this period any easier. I just want the hair to be there ASAP.