Thursday, May 29, 2008

3rd day after procedure

Well I'm an idiot, I was washing my head in the sink last night, had my eyes closed as I was pouring water out of a mug onto my scalp and obviously my head drifts into the faucet. Head starts bleeding, there's blood on the faucet, and at least 3 hairs come off. So typical. Anyway I'm just planning to move forward from it and hope everything turns out fine. I left a message at the clinic so hopefully they can get back to me but I assume I'll just have to live with the situation. I'm the type to blow things out of proportion so my best play is just to relax.

Anyways.... swelling is ridic the last couple of days... my face feels like I'm having an allergic reaction to a bee-sting or something. My eyes are like swelled shut almost, I guess the swelling has descended from the forehead to the mid-head. Too bad because weather is sunny and 23 C outside and I'm laid up at home but oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles.

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